A Little Bit Odder
Pools of human blood are appearing, but no matching bodies to go with them. Oddball and the team are tasked with finding out what’s going on. But before being sent out on their mission, they are told something about themselves that they find difficult to believe. Their investigation takes them to the Norfolk Broads where Oddball and Sandi discover that their feelings for each other are growing.
Meanwhile, back at home base, Harry Lewis – real name Harriet – enjoys Saxon’s company. Harry has the social skills of an angry porcupine and her personal space is normally defended with alarms, barbed wire and motion sensors, but she always drops her guard when she meets up with Saxon.
But Harry Lewis is as sharp as a winter’s morning when it comes to breaking through firewalls and uncovering secrets. Her computer skills lead her to suspect that a shadowy psychopathic killer known only as The Vicar is ultimately responsible for the disappearing bodies. Harry and The Vicar have met before and are destined to meet again before the killings stop.
In a story of mayhem and murder, typical of the Oddball Odyssey, the incredible becomes the norm as the characters are drawn into a hunt that can only end one way. Or is there an alternative ending that could never have been foreseen?
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A tall man with an athletic build stepped into the room.
“Talk of the devil,” Crocker said.
The man had arresting eyes the colour of gunmetal, and a full head of hair going a little grey at the temples. He wore a sharp, dark blue suit with a fine pinstripe and three buttons on each cuff. A crisp Turnbull & Asser white shirt and a navy blue tie completed the ensemble. A gold Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso watch encircled his left wrist. His shoes were black and polished.
“Jesus Christ,” Sandi gasped.
Harry laughed. “No, it’s definitely not Jesus. Crocker was closer when she said talk of the devil.”
Saxon giggled. “Jesus was scruffier than this one. This one is always well turned out.”
“Let me present Oddball,” Harry said. “I think you two might know each other.”
Sandi’s blush rushed up her neck and ran riot across her cheeks. Oddball looked as surprised as her. “What the —”
Crocker smiled, revealing a generous mouth. “Oddball, I think you may have already met Detective Sergeant Sandi Watson from the Isle of Man Constabulary.”
“Er, yes, I do believe I recognise her face,” Oddball said.
Harry laughed out loud. “Oh, you are a tart, Oddball.” She turned to Sandi. “Can you take your clothes off please, Sandi? I think the sight of your naked body might improve Oddball’s memory. I’m damn sure it’s not just your face he’d recognise.” All of them knew that Oddball and Sandi were an item, when they were on the same land mass.
Oddball glanced at Crocker who reflected the amusement of the others.
“It’s alright Oddball, I think we are all well aware that you and Sandi are – er – close, shall we say.”
He shrugged and said, “Fair cop. But before you go any further, I got the information you wanted. I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow.”
Crocker acknowledge with a nod. “Good. Now, since you’re on your feet, you can make yourself even more useful.” She glanced at her watch. “The sun is well past the yardarm, so see what everybody wants to drink, grab what’s needed from the bar, then sit down. We have things to discuss and I’ll try to explain why Harry and Sandi are here with us this evening. You can better introduce yourself to Detective Sergeant Watson later,” she added, struggling to maintain a straight face.
“Oh he’ll do that alright,” Harry said.
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